There is something perpetually transcending about the idea of contemporaries – people who live through and witness a particular period in time, as perhaps existentially irreversible moments and impressions. Our zine S’lim is a long-term, casually irregular publication project looking into situations, places and their contemporaneities.

S’lim is a zine edited and created by us and the people and projects we encounter, focusing on a particular place at a time, merging the contemporary and the historical experiences of visiting, living, staying and theorizing. At the same time, S’lim is an experimental publication project, started as a response to “everything becoming available” in a multitude of media, geographies and archival existences. Each issue is choicely “slim” (with 32 A4 pages + covers) when seen on its own, stretched over time. But as the issues might be stacked together, they also become a method of accumulating, producing and collecting.
ISSN 2343-1016 (online)
ISSN 2343-1024 (print)
You can browse all current issues below. Most issues are available for online viewing, but we try get each issue out there also in print. If you’re interested in those, let us know.

Issue #7 Adria(July 2022)
A burning/shining sea. Edited by Ana Dana Beroš.

Issue #6 Helsinki (October 2018)
City rules. Edited by Emery Lane Norton.

Issue #5 Hong Kong (November 2017)
Thinking about leaving/staying. Edited by Yip Kai-chun 葉啟俊.

Issue #4 Tehran (July 2017)
Notes from تهران. Edited by Farbod Fakharzadeh.

Issue #3 Ys (December 2016)
The city that probably never existed.

Issue #2 Berlin (April 2016)
Talking about the gray city.

Issue #1 Venice (October 2015)
(Why or) why not start with La Serenissima.